
National Constitution Society Convention | IIHS, Bangalore | Session II

November 23, 2018

In 2018, the Centre for Law and Policy Research, Bangalore (CLPR) initiated a network of Constitution societies in schools and colleges across India to be known as the National Constitution Society (NCS). Through its institutional chapters and a central Society, it looks to critically engage with India’s constitutional inheritance.

In November 2018, CLPR organised a one-day All India National Constitution Society Convention that brought together student delegates from institutions across the country along with academics, lawyers and activists. This one-day event presented Student Delegates with the opportunity to critically engage with the history and contemporary relevance of the Indian Constitution and develop a plan to preserve, protect and promote constitutional values in the 21st century. Towards the end of the Convention, in its Plenary Session, the delegates elected the first Student Board Members for the NCS. This video covers Session II of the event. Find the summary of the session below:

Session II: Supreme Court’s Push for Equality

Hasina Khan, Founder Member, Bebaak Collective

Akkai Padmashali, Founder, Ondede; Transgender Rights Activist

Jayna Kothari (Moderator), Executive Director, Centre for Law and Policy Research; Senior Advocate, Karnataka High Court and Supreme Court of India.

Co-Founder of Bebaak Collective Hasina Khan spoke about her role as an intervener in the Triple Talaq case (Shayara Bano v. UOI). She urged that personal laws must be subject to constitutional judicial review and cautioned against the general view that all Muslim personal laws are protected by freedom of religion under the Constitution. She explained the need for creating Muslim Women Groups so that conservative groups from within or political parties from outside do not hijack Muslim women’s agenda.

Next, Transgender Rights Activist Akkai Padmashali spoke of her role as a petitioner in Section 377 case (Navtej Johar v. UOI). She emphasised the role of social movements and civil society in advancing Transgender rights. She said that the Supreme Court judgment would go a long away in fighting stereotypes and stigmatisation of the transgender community.