
81. (1) Each Chamber shall as soon as may elect two of its members to be respectively the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker therefore, and so often as the office of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker becomes vacant, the Chamber concerned shall elect another member to be the Speaker or Deputy Speaker, as the case maybe.

(2)  A member holding office as the Speaker or Deputy Speaker of his Chamber shall vacate his office-

(a)  if he ceases to be a member of his Chamber; or

(b)  if he resigns his office by -writing under his hand addressed to the Governor; or

(c)  if he is removed from his office by a resolution passed by a majority of all the then members of his Chamber; but no resolution for this purpose shall be moved unless at least fourteen days’ notice has been given of the intention to move the resolution.

(3)  The Speaker shall preside over the sittings of his Chamber and perform all other duties of his office ana in his absence the Deputy Speaker shall do so; in the absence of both, the Chamber shall elect its own Speaker for the time being from among its members.

(4)  The Speaker and’ the Deputy Speaker of each Chamber shall be paid such salaries as may be respectively fixed by an Act of the Provincial Legislative Assembly.