58. (a) All revenues or moneys received by the Executive Government of the Commonwealth shall form one consolidated revenue fund and shall vest in the Viceroy, to be appropriated for the purposes of the Commonwealth in the manner prescribed and subject ·to the charges and liabilities imposed by this Act.

(b) The expression, “the revenues oft he Commonwealth” in this Act shall include, all the territorial and other revenues of; or arising in, the Commonwealth and in particular:

(i) all tributes and other payments in respect of any territories which would have been receivable by or in the name of the East India Company if the Government of India Act, 1858, (21 and 22 Viet., c.106) had not been passed; and

(ii) all fines and penalties incurred by the sentence or order of any Court of Justice in the Commonwealth and all forfeitures for crimes, of any movable or immovable property in the Commonwealth ; and

(iii) all movable or immovable property in the Commonwealth escheating or lapsing for want of an heir or successor, and all property in the Commonwealth devolving as bond vacantia for want of a rightful owner.

(c) All property vested in, or arising or accruing from property or rights vested in His Majesty under the Government of India. Act, 1858, (21 and 22 Vict., c. 106) or the Government of India Act, shall be applied in aid of the revenues of the Commonwealth.

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