Safeguards for Muslims: Jinnah's Fourteen Points
Jinnah’s Fourteen Points
(Draft resolution presented by Mr. Jinnah at the Council of the All-India Muslim League on 28 March 1929)
Whereas the basic idea with which the All-Parties’ Conference was called in being and a Convention summoned at Calcutta during Christmas Week, 1928, was that a scheme of reforms should be formulated and accepted and ratified by the foremost political organisations in the country as a National Pact; and whereas the Report was adopted by the Indian National Congress only constitutionally for the one year ending 31st December 1929, and in the event of the British Parliament not accepting it within the time limit, the Congress stands committed to the policy and programme of complete independence by resort to civil disobedience and non-payment of taxes: and whereas the attitude taken up by the Hindu Maha Sabha from the commencement through their representatives at the Convention was nothing short of an ultimatum, that, if a single word in the Nehru Report in respect of the communal settlement was changed, they would immediately withdraw their support to it; and whereas the National Liberal Federation delegates at the Convention took up an attitude of benevolent neutrality, and subsequently in their open session at Allahabad, adopted a non-committal policy with regard to the Hindu-Moslem differences; and whereas the Sikh League had already declined to agree to the Nehru Report; and whereas the non-Brahmin and depressed classes are entirely opposed to it; and where as the reasonable and moderate proposals put forward by the delegates of the All India Moslem League at the Convention in modification were not accepted, the Moslem League is unable to accept the Nehru Report.
The League after anxious and careful consideration most earnestly and emphatically lays down that no scheme for the future constitution of the government of India will be acceptable to Mussalmans of India until and unless the following basic principles are given effect to and provisions are embodied therein to safeguard their rights and interests:—
(1) The form of the future constitution should be federal, with the residuary powers vested in the provinces.
(2) A uniform measure of autonomy shall be granted to all provinces.
(3) All legislatures in the country and other elected bodies shall be constituted on the definite principle of adequate and effective representation of minorities in every Province without reducing the majority in any Province to a minority or even equality.
(4) In the Central Legislature, Mussalman representation shall not be less than one third.
(5) Representation of communal groups shall continue to be by means of separate electorates as at present, provided it shall be open to any community, at any time, to abandon its separate electorate in favour of joint electorate.
(6) Any territorial redistribution that might at any time be necessary shall not in any way, affect the Moslem majority in the Punjab, Bengal and N. W. F. Province.
(7) Full religious liberty i.e., liberty of belief, worship and observance, propaganda, association and education, shall be guaranteed to all communities.
(8) No bill or resolution or any part thereof shall be passed in any legislature or any other elected body if three fourths of the members of any community in that particular body oppose such a bill, resolution or part thereof on the ground that it would be injurious to the interests of that community or in the alternative, such other method is devised as may be found feasible and practicable to deal with such cases.
(9) Sind should be separated from the Bombay Presidency.
(10) Reforms should be introduced in the N. W. F. Province and Baluchistan on the same footing as in other provinces.
(11) Provision should be made in the constitution giving Moslems an adequate share along with the other Indians, in all the services of the State and in local self-governing bodies having due regard to the requirements of efficiency.
(12) The constitution should embody adequate safeguards for the protection of Moslem culture and for the protection and promotion of Moslem education, language, religion, personal laws and Moslem charitable institutions and for their due share in the grants-in-aid given by the State and by local self-governing bodies.
(13) No cabinet, either Central or Provincial, should be formed without there being a proportion of at least one-third Moslem Ministers.
(14) No change shall be made in the constitution by the Central Legislature except with the concurrence of the States constituting the Indian Federation.
That in the present circumstances, representation of Musalmans in the different legislatures of the country and other elected bodies through the separate electorates is inevitable and further, the Government being pledged over and over again not to disturb this franchise so granted to the Moslem community since 1909 till such time as the Musalmans chose to abandon it, the Musalmans will not consent to joint electorates unless Sind is actually constituted into a separate province and reforms in fact are introduced in the N. W. F. Province and Baluchistan on the same footing as in other provinces.
Further, it is provided that there shall be reservation of seats according to the Moslem population in the various provinces; but where Musalmans are in a majority, they shall not contest more seats than their population warrants.
The question of excess representation of Musalmans over and above their population in Provinces where they are in a minority is to be considered hereafter.