Sir, I have got several other reasons also why it is necessary that this period should be extended. We may remember that in the year 1947, when the report of the Advisory Committee came up for discussion in this House and for its decisions, several recommendations were made But I do not think either the Government of India at the Centre, or the Provincial Governments have taken the clue from the discussions that took place here on these recommendations and they have not done much by way of amelioration of the condition of the Scheduled Castes. Even in the Constituent Assembly (Legislative) a resolution was adopted and all Members who were sympathetic towards the Scheduled Castes took part in the discussion of that resolution and then an assurance was given that everything will be done for the welfare of’ the Scheduled Castes. May I know what steps have been taken ? I know, as a matter of fact, that only in the U. P. and in Madras in a less degree, they have taken steps to do something for the amelioration of the Scheduled Castes. In Madras they have set up a committee and after two years’ labour, and after debating the subject in the Legislature, very lately, the Government has come to the rescue and they have started a department called the Harijan Uplift Department and only this year this Department started functioning, with a small amount-to start with.

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