The question is: –     “That for Article 2 and article 3, the following be substituted:’2. Parliament may by law -(a) admit into the Union new States;(b) sub-divide any State to form two or more States;(c) amalgamate any two or more of the following classes of territories to forma State, namely -(i) State,(ii) Part or parts of any State,(iii) newly acquired territory;(d) give a name to any State admitted under item (a) or created under items (b) and (c) of this article;(e) alter the name of any State;     Provided that no Bill for the purpose shall be introduced in either House of Parliament except on there commendation of the President and unless –(a) Where the proposal contained in the Bill affects the boundaries or name of any State or States for the time being specified in Part I of the First Schedule, the views of the Legislative Assembly or in the case of a bi-cameral Legislature, of both Houses of the Legislature, of the State, or as the case maybe, of each of the States both with respect to the proposal to introduce the Bill and with respect to the provisions thereof have been ascertained by the President; and(b) where the proposal affects the boundaries or name of any State or States for the time being specified in Part III of the First Schedule, the previous consent of the State, or as the case may be, of each of the States to the proposal has been ascertained; and     That in article (2), the words “from time to time” be deleted’.”

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