Sir, I should have thought that the rules, which are in existence and which have been framed after a considerable amount of care and based on other models, are sufficient to give ample power to the Chair to regulate the debate. These rules were framed on the supposition that the Members also exercise a considerable amount of discretion and restraint in their speeches. The present motion implies a kind of suspicion about the willingness and ability of the Members to keep to that wholesome line as well as perhaps a little doubt as to the ability of the Chair under the ordinary rules to regulate the debate. What are the rules which are applicable to this situation? An amendment can be ruled out very justly if it is irrelevant, mere tedious repetitions and the like, defamatory or unparliamentary or objectionable from that point of view. What has happened which has induced the charming lady to come forward here to move this amendment? I submit that the experience of what has happened in the House gives a clue. For some time past, I very much regret to find that amendments of a so-called drafting or formal nature or of some grammatical significance are being ruled out practically in the debates, not that you, Sir, rule them out, but in the treatment of those amendments, Members are to a certain extent hustled by some Members in the House and the replies given are often few, laconic and unhelpful, and in many cases there are no replies but a large number of counter-allegations and facts are adduced.

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