The recent wrangles that we have seen in the International Security Council of the U.N.O. in regard for instance, to disarmament, the entire history in fact for the last twenty years or so of the problem of disarmament, would go far to convince any impartial observer that the powerful nations of the world do not really intend to disarm. They do not desire peace and security for peoples, but only for their friends and associates, and of course, for themselves. Now so long as you continue to indulge in a race between yourselves as to who shall disarm first, it is unlikely that you would be finding any great progress in an all-around disarmament, as the first step to securing international peace. I would submit that somebody will have to make a beginning and such a beginning cannot be made unless an open, frank declaration of policy, pledging a nation unreservedly to peace, to the maintenance of international law and friendship is given. Unless that is given, it would be impossible to make a real beginning in the task of all-round disarmament and securing and maintenance of peace.