*[Mr. President, just now Begum, Sahiba has suggested the postponement of this motion and the reason she gave is that some part of the population yet remains in West Punjab and some of it has come to Delhi and some have gone to United Provinces and therefore the question should not be considered at present. Other friends have given different reasons and have said that, as some people have also come from Baluchistan and Sind, they should also be given representation. It is correct that all new comers need representation. No such differentiation can be made amongst the people. But this should be remembered that this question has to be looked at from a practical point of view. No doubt, about 40 lakhs of people have moved from West Punjab into East Punjab and other areas. The Government has already decided that the whole Muslim population of East Punjab is to be transferred to West Punjab and all Hindus and Sikhs of West Punjab are to be brought to East Punjab. Now, the question is only that of Hindus and Sikhs and as to what is their exact number. About five lakhs have conic to Delhi and five lakhs have gone to United Provinces. But as representation is given to numbers over 5 lakhs and not below it, so representation should be given at least, to those who have come to East Punjab. And those who are at present in Delhi or U. P. may also move to East Punjab. Thus o give them no representation or postponing it would be a great injustice. You know that those who have come to Delhi have not come here of their free will. Government has already agreed to the exchange of population both by their word and deed. Therefore I would beg the House to look at this question from a practical point of view and not to deprive these men of their right. Those who are known as refugees today have as much claim on the Union and the Constitution as anyone else. As you have allowed representation for every 10 lakhs of population to other parts of Indian Union, you must do the same to those who have been uprooted from West Punjab so that they may also share in the shaping of the Indian Constitution. With these words I support the amendment.]

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