Mr. President, Sir, yesterday we listened to a speech which I believe was the first of its kind ever delivered in this House. It was a speech unique in more respects than one. It was in the first place a jumble of nationalism, national socialism, republicanism, communism and what not. It was unique for the vehemence with which it was delivered. In spite of all that, I listened to the speech with the respect and attention which any utterance from Maulana Hasrat Mohani ought to command. We have known him as a veteran, as a hero of a hundred battles in the country’s cause for freedom. Whatever political complexion he might be wearing today, whatever Political “choga” he might be putting on today, we have known him in the past as a valiant fighter for the country’s freedom. We have not forgotten the days when he was with us in the Congress, when he was a close co-worker and associate of Mahatma Gandhi and our other revered leaders. But the speech which he made yesterday, cannot escape our attention and our notice. The speech dealt so little with the amendment and so much with everything else besides, that I for one was hard put to it to sift the grain from the chaff. Maulana Hasrat Mohani Sahib thinks that by substituting the word ‘President’ for the word ‘Governor’ he would, as if by a wave of his magic wand, create a socialist republic in every province. I for one fail to see how by substituting the word ‘President’ for ‘Governor’. Such a transformation could be brought about. We know very well how even the President of America is different from the President of France. We know how the Chancellor Germany–the Reichskanzler-der-Fuhrer–differed so much from the other Chancellors of Europe. Therefore, I do not see any point in this mere change of the word ‘Governor’ into ‘President’.

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