Language to be used in representations for redress of grievances.
Every person shall be entitled to submit a representation for the redress of any grievance to any officer or authority of the Union or a State in any of the languages used in the Union or in the State, as the case may be.
Version 1

Article 349, Constitution of India 1950
Every person shall be entitled to submit a representation for the redress of any grievance to any officer or authority of the Union or a State in any of the languages used in the Union or in the State, as the case may be.
Draft Article 301H was absent in the Draft Constitution 1948. A Drafting Committee Member introduced this provision on 12 September 1949. The Draft Article stated that the citizens can seek redressal for a grievance from any officer or authority of the union or a state in any of the languages used in the union or in the state.
There were no amendments to the Draft Article and it was adopted without debate on 14 September 1949.