Transitional provisions
Until other provision is made in this behalf under this Constitution, all the laws in force immediately before the commencement of this Constitution and applicable to any public service or any post which continues to exist after the commencement of this Constitution, as an all-India service or as service or post under the Union or a State shall continue in force so far as consistent with the provisions of this Constitution.
Version 1

Article 283, Draft Constitution of India 1948
Until other provision is made in this behalf under this Constitution, any rules which were in force immediately before the commencement of this Constitution and were applicable to any public service or any post which has continued to exist after the commencement of this Constitution as a service or post under the Union or a State shall continue in force so far as consistent with the provisions of this Constitution.
Version 2
Article 313, Constitution of India 1950
Until other provision is made in this behalf under this Constitution, all the laws in force immediately before the commencement of this Constitution and applicable to any public service or any post which continues to exist after the commencement of this Constitution, as an all-India service or as service or post under the Union or a State shall continue in force so far as consistent with the provisions of this Constitution.
Draft Article 283 (Article 313, Constitution of India 1950) was discussed on 8 September 1949. The Article was purely transitional in nature and stated that all the rules in force right before the commencement of the Constitution will continue to apply to any public service or post even after the Constitution was enacted.
The Drafting Committee Chairman moved an amendment to substitute the Draft Article with another one which had a few semantic changes. The substance and meaning of the Article remained the same.
The Amendment was adopted without any discussion and the Draft Article was added to the Constitution on the same day.