The amendment is more or less formal, and only makes for clarity of the meaning of the clause. In my judgment, there is no need whatever for such a clause in the Constitution and I think that it may as well be incorporated in the Rules of Business of the Cabinet. But somehow or other, it has found its way in the Constitution and any amendment which seeks to eliminate it would be disallowed as it seeks to negative the motion. Personally I should have wished that the article as a whole were not there, because it is merely some of the Rules of Business of the Cabinet; and what they should do in this matter must be purely a routine affair and must have been embodied in the Rules of Business of the Council of Ministers. But as it has come before us, I would only move this amendment, with a view to obtaining greater clarity of this particular sub-clauses (a), because decisions of the Council Ministers, if they are not communicated as soon as they are made,–it may be, of course, that they will be communicated very soon after that–but to make it absolutely clear, we might as well provide for this, that all the decisions of the Cabinet must be communicated to the President as soon as they are made, so that if a contingency arises, as visualized in sub-clauses (b) and (c), the President may call for information and if the President so requires, any matter which has been considered by the Cabinet already, may be re-opened by them, as provided for in sub-clause (c) of this article. Delay perhaps may be dangerous in this matter as in so many others, and therefore with a view to eliminate any delay, any procrastination in these matters, I move, Sir, that decisions of the Cabinet must be communicated to the President as soon as they are made. I move amendment No. 1350 of the List of Amendments and commend it to the acceptance of the House.