Mr. Vice-President, as a representative of the people of the State, I welcome this amending Bill. In particular I support the amendment now being proposed in Section 6. I believe that it would be in the interest of the people. I, therefore, desire to make some observations in order to refute the remarks made in this connection by shri Yudhishthir Misra. I may state that in my opinion this amendment is very much in our minor individual or group interests. Not many days ago the problem of the States was considered to be so difficult of solution that on the departure of the foreign rulers from this country the people of other lands seriously apprehended that India would be crushed out of existence under the heavy load of these States. It is a matter of deep congratulation, however, for the Government of India that it has felt the necessity of adding a new section, i.e., Section 290-a, to the Government of India Act. It shows what great progress we have been able to make during this period of one year. It is my belief that we would soon be able to settle even the few matters that remain. I may in this connection drew your attention to what I consider to be a special feature of this Act, and it is the following:-      “Where full and exclusive authority, jurisdiction, and powers for and in relation to the Government of any Indian State or of any group of such States are for the time being exercisable by the Dominion Government the Governor-General may by order direct.”

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