As per clause (b), there shall not be less than one representative for every 750,000 of the population and not more than one representative for every 500,000 of the population. That latitude being given, it is just possible that they may not be uniformity of representation throughout India. The object of this clause is to secure a uniform scale of representation throughout India, whatever it may be, and in order to secure this uniformity this clause is introduced. But the wording “members to be elected at any time for each territorial constituency” does not bring out the sense fully and hence my amendment that for the words “members to be elected at any time for”, the words “representatives allotted to” be substituted. If my amendment is accepted the clause would read:

The ratio between the number of representatives allotted to each territorial constituency and the population of that constituency as ascertained at the last preceding census shall, so far as practicable, be the same throughout India.

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