As regards the next amendment, I would like to point out that it deals with three or four important matters, which I do not find equally clearly provided in this Constitution and in this place. The Ministers being collectively responsible to the legislature, it is obvious that they must be members of that body. Later on in this Constitution, there are clauses dealing with the legislatures in which some provisions of that kind occur. To those clauses I have the honour of giving notice of some amendments. But here, I think, is the proper place where we should insert a definite provision, that the Ministers who are responsible to Parliament should have a seat at the time of the formation of the Ministry in the  Parliament, in either House of Parliament; or that, if they have no such seat, then within six months of their appointment as Ministers, they should find seats. This is a very simple proposition, conformable to the practice prevailing in widely popular Constitutions, like that of England; and as such ought to find no opposition.

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