On a point of order, Sir, I under-when they came to keep us under bondage. They successfully gave us that injection. They in fact sowed the Dragon’s teeth in the country and it grew and made its all communally conscious as Hindus and Muslims. They also made us irrigate this crop and we did it too willingly with our own blood instead of with water and the crop was well tended by them and today we are reaping that deadly crop. After that bitter experience of their diplomacy, if even today in this House we stand up and say, when we are building a new, when we are legislating for future generations for our peace and for our happiness, that we should start with that Poisonous injection again, this is something to which I cannot agree. We have seen enough of it. Today, when, as I just now submitted, we are reaping that deadly harvest, when on the borders, of our country there is bloodshed and the worst disorder which civilisation has ever witnessed, when places lying only a hundred miles from here are not safe, it is time that we realised that all this is the result of the separatist tendency injected into our veins by the Britons. Now that we have thrown, the British seven seas away from here it is surprising that we should again be asked to take up that separatist tendency and put that poison again into the Constitution which we are making today. I submit that the country as a whole is opposed to this. Personally I am a believer in unadulterated socialisation of both property and politics. I believe property should be socialised. I am also a believer in unadulterated democracy, which means a true representation of the people; true without any weightage, without any favour; without any disregard of the rightfull privileges of any section of the people or any individual. Without depriving even the individual, of this rights, there must be a free representation of all, and the legislatures-Central or Provincial must fully represent all the people and must represent in a free manner. If we put obstacles in the way of any or stop the passage of others or give privilege to others, that will mean that the democracy or the representation of the people will not be as true and pure as it ought to be in an unadulterated democracy. To give the-right of suffrage to a section of people on religious basis is something which the world does not understand. After all, we do not come here to legislate about religions. We come here to legislate and make laws to see that peace is maintained in the country on a, country-wide basis. It is not a question of one section being legislated against or legislated in favour it is not a question of one or the other section being considered. It is the whole country which has to be taken into consideration when we legislate. So the idea of getting representation from religious sections is simply ridiculous. We have had it till now, but we cannot continue it because the future constitution is not meant to be a constitution of religions. A State cannot be a confederation of so many religions or sects or groups. The laws and the administration of the country can only be entrusted to and can only be handled by those who command the biggest confidence in the country. The major political party will, as a rule, be in charge of the administration of a country. That is recognised everywhere. The minority must remain a minority. Now before a minority there is only one alternative : it is to be loyal to the majority and co-operate and gain the confidence of the majority. There are also other alternatives-which of course I do not advocate nor support according ‘to these alternatives minorities become extinct; and on. the other side of the country this process of extinction is going on at ‘present. Here Sir, I may be permitted to say that we belong to that part of the country which has guaranteed at the very outset safety of life and property to every one, to every individual in this country. We base our politics on love and truth and not on fear and hatred as is done by our neighbours on the west. We do not believe in discarding minorities or finishing them or killing them en-masse, because we are believers of conversion and we are confident of being able to convert them one and all to our side. We believe that minorities will in the long run be reduced to one entity and that entity would be one unadulterated unity of people a democracy. We want to dissolve, minorities into the majority by ‘justice’. We want to rule this country and to run its administration on the basis of perfect justice. These minorities cannot be recognised because in a country whose administration is supposed to be run on the basis of justice alone, there is no question of minority or majority. All individual are at par. We cannot recognised religion as far as the State is concerned. I wonder if my friends who have suggested separate electorate for minorities would appreciate the remarks of a great leader of India. It is Mr. Jinnah who in his address to the Pakistan Assembly says:-“We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens and, equal citizens of one State. We would keep that in front of us as our ideal and in course of time you will find that in the political sense the Hindus will cease to be Hindus and Muslims will cease to be Muslims because religion in the personal faith of each individual.”

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