As they know, provision has to be made for the determination of fundamental rights, the rights of minorities and for the administration of Tribal and Backward Areas. The number of representatives has been fixed with due regard to the tasks that lie in front of this Committee. Ours is a vast country and the numbers living here now exceed 400 million. In the circumstances, howsoever one may try to reduce the strength of a Committee of this character, one cannot go below a certain minimum, and we have tried to do justice to all interests and to all elements and at the same time to limit the figure to a reasonable and workable limit. There is provision for 72 members, but originally it was 68. Hon’ble Members know that there is provision to be made for citizens’ rights. For that purpose, we want representatives of the General Body. Fundamental rights are the concern of all, and no question of minority or majority can arise in connection with those rights. In fact, the Secretary of State in his speech in the House of Lords last month definitely stated that such members, to look after the question of the citizens’ rights, would be there. Then you have to elect members for looking after the minority rights. Hon’ble Members are aware we have got a number of minorities. Ours is a rich variety of cultures and, luckily, we have got a number of groups who supplement and complement each other in order to build the complete whole known as the Indian nation. So, we have provided in this Resolution for an initial Committee of 52 members, but according to the amendment which will be moved by Mr. Munshi, the number is to be 50 and not 52. Out of these 50 only 12 will be representatives of the general sections. Others will represent the minorities and the Tribal and Excluded Areas. The minorities will be represented in the following manner:

The Hindus of Bengal, Punjab, N.W.F.P., Baluchistan and Sind will have 7 representatives

The Muslims of the 7 Provinces of U.P., Bihar, C.P., Madras, Bombay, Assam andOrissa will have similarly 7 representatives

The Depressed Classes or the Schedule Castes will have 7 representatives

The Sikhs will have  6

The Indians Christians will have  4

Parsis will have 3

Anglo – Indians will have 3

and the Tribal areas and Excluded Areas will have 13.

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