I consider it necessary to make these remarks, especially in view of some articles that have appeared in the press and in one of the local papers. It is unreasonable on the part of any person-I am using a mild expression–to suggest further postponement of this item, which ought to have been taken up at the very outset. The tender solicitude shown by the Hon’ble Members of this House for the absentee Members has not only not been appreciated, but it has been misunderstood. There is another aspect of this question. The people of this country- millions- are scanning the proceedings of this Assembly in order to see what progress we are making and how near we are to the goal which we have before us. Every day’s delay is causing them disappointment; and on the other side, there is vigorous propaganda, suggesting that this Assembly will end in smoke, that all its efforts, deliberations and endeavours will prove futile, and nothing will come out of them. In the circumstances, anyone interested in the success of this Assembly must realize the responsibility that rests on the shoulders of the Hon’ble Members of this House. They cannot afford to put off indefinitely the business of this House, and they cannot allow that hope be deferred till hope is stilled altogether. So, I trust Hon’ble Members will unanimously accept the Motion that I have placed before them.

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