With regard to the creation of new Provinces between now and the 26th of January, the article that would be operative would be section 290 of the Government of India Act of 1935 and article 391 of the present Constitution. Sir, article 391 says that if between now and the 26th of January the authority empowered to take action tinder the Government of India Act, 1935 does take action, then the President, under article 391 is empowered to give effect to that order made under the Government of India Act Section 290. ‘Notwithstanding the fact’–this is an important thing–“notwithstanding the fact that on the 25th January the Government of India Act, 1935, would stand repealed, the action would stand. The President is empowered under article 391 to carry over that action taken under the Government of India Act, 1935 and to give effect to it by an order amending the First Schedule and consequentially the Fourth Schedule which deals with representation in the Council of States.

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