The House will recollect that a few days ago we adopted articles 284, 285, 285A, 285B, 285C, 286, 287 etc., etc., providing for the creation of Public Services Commissions which were in three different classes; firstly, the Union Commission: secondly, the State Commission: and thirdly, the Joint Commission for two or more States who have agreed to set up such a Commission for the purposes of those two or more States. Unfortunately this matter of the Joint Commission has been overlooked by the Drafting Committee because the House will see that article 284 invests Parliament with the power to provide by law for the appointment of Joint Public Services Commission to serve the needs of two or more States who have agreed to set up a Joint Commission as among themselves. Article 285 also vests power in the President to appoint the Chairman and other Members of a Joint Commission, and this and succeeding articles also confer power on the President or the Parliament in regard to the Constitution and organization of the Joint Commission. In any case, I do not find that this matter of the Joint Commission has been provided for in other Lists-Lists 2 and 3-and even if they are provided for I do not think they fall within the purview of these two lists. The right place for the Joint Commission is in List I, within the jurisdiction and purview of the Union authorities. Accordingly I suggest that this addition be made by accepting my amendment seeking to include the Joint Commission in this proposed entry 58. I move amendment No. 204 and commend it to the House for its consideration and acceptance.

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