Sir, we have provided in entry No. 9 for atomic energy and mineral resources essential to its production. We very well know that atomic energy has revolutionised the whole conception of defence. In fact, the biggest problem in the U. N. O. is about the atomic energy. You all very well know that there is also the cosmic energy. About this also, researches are being made by Russia. We have often heard that on the Pamir Plateau there are laboratories where Russia is investigating into cosmic rays and its use for war purposes. In these days we cannot remain ignorant of this great advance in science. I think our State should also undertake this research work which is at present being carried on by Russia and other countries. Therefore, I think there should be entry No. 9-A in which we should provide for this item. We have recently passed a Bill for atomic energy and we are doing something about it. About this cosmic energy and cosmic rays also about which we have heard so much in the scientific magazines, I think we should make provision in our Constitution. I hope Dr. Ambedkar will see that this lacuna is removed.